viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

Introduction, I guess

I'm not really sure of what I'm supposed to do, I guess introduce myself? Well, I'm a Spanish exchange student in the UP, Michigan (in case you don't know what it is, there's a lot of snow and deer hunting).
Probably I should say that being an exchange student is something that I've wanted to do all my life, but to be completely honest I didn't even know about it until last year when a friend of mine told me that she was going to do some kind of exchange program. I thought it was super cool but I never thought it would be possible for me (my parents wouldn't let me and everything). But one day I was having one of those awkward family dinners and I mentioned it pretty much to change the topic. The funny part is, my parents started thinking about it! Obviously I got super excited and started being a good kid and all and then my parents decided that it would be a good opportunity for me. So the next day I filled in the 30 pages request and it was official.
But I forgot that I was supposed to introduce myself, so... I'm sixteen going on seventeen, I'm not gonna describe myself but I might post pictures, I like swimming, makeup, reading, music and drawing, and I always end up in some kind of awkward situation. Yeah, that's me.
And.... I'm having a lot of fun here and I was supposed to start a blog the day I came but I didn't know what to write about so I've been putting it off :)

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