jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

First days in the US

When I finally arrived to the airport, my host family was waiting there alone. The flight attendant was not very happy because they didn't have their identification with them, but I said that I knew them and I think she could tell that I was tired after a 22-hour flight and a blank night so she just let me go.
My host father, my host mother and my host sister hugged me and said nice to meet you and I tried to say thanks for hosting me and all. Then we went to the car and I tried not to fall asleep while they were talking to me.
Finally we got to the house and my host mother told me to take off my shoes and then she tried to start showing me the house. I went around nodding until I saw my bed, then my eyes lit and I was happy and my host mother decided that she'd better let me sleep.
The next morning I woke up at like six, but I was really embarrassed so I just laid in bed eating chocolate until ten or so. At some point I decided that I couldn't spend a year like that, so I woke up and got dressed and finally saw the whole house. It was awesome, super big and nice, but ten minutes later we had to leave for school. I went there, I picked my classes and all that stuff, someone gave me a tour, it was alright.
The next week was fun and crazy and I didn't have time to miss a lot of things. We went kayaking, hiking, running, swimming, we went to football games and we had bonfires at the beach. It was all very fun and American. Of course, I tried mac and cheese, corn on the cob, smores, hot dogs and all kind of food you can imagine when you think about America.
The day before school started we had a little exchange students party and I met a lot of people that I had forgot by next day. But by then I was really happy, my host family was really nice (of course I had been really scared about it, I didn't know what to expect and I was freaking out by the time I finally met them, but they turned out all right), they were fun and we did so many things everyday, I was never bored, and at that little party I finally managed to make some friends.
So I got my backpack ready, scared and excited for my first day of school like I only remember being in third grade, and that was it.

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